The dTOP index weights have been rebalanced for May.
03 May 2021, 08:43
The dTOP index weights have been rebalanced for May! Each Month dTOP rebalances into the new top 10 from the dHEDGE leaderboard.
Weights are as follows:
Convex Strategies / @ConvexMonster -16.77%
Guttastemning / @GuttaCap - 13.88%
A-DAM Public Fund / @A_DAMcapita -11.15%
Black Lion Fund(BLF) / @liondani -10.44%
YANG(That Asian Quant) / @Wangarian1 -10.22%
Jesse Livermoore Hearts Crypto / @JLHeartsCrypto-9.55%
DeFi / @Coin98Ventures -8.85%
Shoshin / @shoshinfund -6.65%
Alchemy Fund / @AlchemyFund -6.40%
Potato_Swap / @GuntisVitolins - 6.09%
Well done to all the managers! Who will make the top 10 for June?!
In April the dTOP Index made $17k in performance fees for its Managers! Fees will be distributed shortly.
dTOP currently has almost $1.9M value managed and a lifetime return of 26.8%!